An implementation of noisy channel model
A simple implementation of noisy channel model to correct the non-word, real-word spelling errors occured in a sentence
I learned this topic from the 5th chapter of the book Speech and Language Processing by Daniel Jurafsky & James H. Martin
The algorithm takes the input sentence X = {x1, x2, x3, x4… xn}, which might contains some spelling errors, next generates a large set of candidate correction sentences C(X), finally picks the sentence with the highest language model probability.
To generate the candidate correction sentences, I start by generating a set of candidate words for each input word xi. I used the python package PyEnchant to find these candidates word. Then each new proposed sentences is scored by the noisy channel In formula, W_hat = argmax(P(X/W) * P(W)), X is the sentence we observed, W represents one of our candidate sentences. For P(W), I use the bigram stupid backoff with laplace smoothing. For the channel model, P(X/W) will be 0.95 when x = w, and then distribute the rest 0.05 evenly over all other candidate corrections C(X).
The training dataset I used is from Peter Norvig. You could have access to this file in
Python Code
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import enchant import numpy as np import csv import math, collections import pandas as pd import re import itertools from nltk import tokenize import class Sentence_Corrector : def __init__(self, training_file) : self.laplaceUnigramCounts = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0) self.laplaceBigramCounts = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0) = 0 self.sentences = [] self.importantKeywords = set() self.d = enchant.Dict("en_US") self.tokenize_file(training_file) self.train() def tokenize_file(self, file) : # """ # Read the file, tokenize and build a list of sentences # """ tokenizer ='tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle') f = open(file) content = for sentence in tokenizer.tokenize(content): sentence_clean = [i.lower() for i in re.split('[^a-zA-Z]+', sentence) if i] self.sentences.append(sentence_clean) def train(self): # """ # Train unigram and bigram # """ for sentence in self.sentences: sentence.insert(0, '<s>') sentence.append('</s>') for i in xrange(len(sentence) - 1): token1 = sentence[i] token2 = sentence[i + 1] self.laplaceUnigramCounts[token1] += 1 self.laplaceBigramCounts[(token1, token2)] += 1 += 1 += 1 self.laplaceUnigramCounts[sentence[-1]] += 1 def candidate_word(self, word): # """ # Generate similar word for a given word # """ suggests = [] for candidate in self.importantKeywords: if candidate.startswith(word): suggests.append(candidate) suggests.append(word) if len(suggests) == 1: suggests = self.d.suggest(word) suggests = [suggest.lower() for suggest in suggests][:4] suggests.append(word) suggests = list(set(suggests)) return suggests, len(suggests) def candidate_sentence(self, sentence): # """ # Takes one sentence, and return all the possible sentences, and also return a dictionary of word : suggested number of words # """ candidate_sentences = [] words_count = {} for word in sentence: candidate_sentences.append(self.candidate_word(word)[0]) words_count[word] = self.candidate_word(word)[1] candidate_sentences = list(itertools.product(*candidate_sentences)) return candidate_sentences, words_count def correction_score(self, words_count, old_sentence, new_sentence) : # """ # Take a old sentence and a new sentence, for each words in the new sentence, if it's same as the orginal sentence, assign 0.95 prob # If it's not same as original sentence, give 0.05 / (count(similarword) - 1) # """ score = 1 for i in xrange(len(new_sentence)) : if new_sentence[i] in words_count : score *= 0.95 else : score *= (0.05 / (words_count[old_sentence[i]] - 1)) return math.log(score) def score(self, sentence): # """ # Takes a list of strings as argument and returns the log-probability of the # sentence using the stupid backoff language model. # Use laplace smoothing to avoid new words with 0 probability # """ score = 0.0 for i in range(len(sentence) - 1): if self.laplaceBigramCounts[(sentence[i],sentence[i + 1])] > 0: score += math.log(self.laplaceBigramCounts[(sentence[i],sentence[i + 1])]) score -= math.log(self.laplaceUnigramCounts[sentence[i]]) else: score += (math.log(self.laplaceUnigramCounts[sentence[i + 1]] + 1) + math.log(0.4)) score -= math.log( + len(self.laplaceUnigramCounts)) return score def return_best_sentence(self, old_sentence) : # """ # Generate all candiate sentences and # Calculate the prob of each one and return the one with highest probability # Probability involves two part 1. correct probability and 2. language model prob # correct prob : p(c | w) # language model prob : use stupid backoff algorithm # """ bestScore = float('-inf') bestSentence = [] old_sentence = [word.lower() for word in old_sentence.split()] sentences, word_count = self.candidate_sentence(old_sentence) for new_sentence in sentences: new_sentence = list(new_sentence) score = self.correction_score(word_count, new_sentence, old_sentence) new_sentence.insert(0, '<s>') new_sentence.append('</s>') score += self.score(new_sentence) if score >= bestScore: bestScore = score bestSentence = new_sentence bestSentence = ' '.join(bestSentence[1:-1]) return bestSentence, bestScore |
Usage Examples
corrector = Sentence_Corrector('../data/big.txt')
corrector.return_best_sentence('this is wron spallin word')
corrector.return_best_sentence('aoccdrning to a resarch at cmabridge university')
corrector.return_best_sentence('it does not mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers')
corrector.return_best_sentence('the olny important tihng is taht')
corrector.return_best_sentence('Can they leav him my messages')
corrector.return_best_sentence('This used to belong to thew queen')